Baby Namings
Many people are not brought up within a traditional faith household or have decided that a recognised faith is not for them. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have values or morals, or want your children to have guidance in this world and feel that they have a loving community that supports them.
A baby naming ceremony is an official announcement to your family and friends that this new person is someone to be celebrated and cared for by more than just their parents. It is a statement of commitment from the adults in the child’s life that they will be there for them and that they wish only positive experiences for them.
It’s a ‘welcome to the world’ ceremony; a joyous occasion that can also have some solemn moments, such as the lighting of candles, promises made, and hopes and wishes for the child’s life expressed.
And it doesn’t need to be a baby! Having a welcoming ceremony for any new member of the family means they know how important they are to both you and the significant adults in your life.
If you would like to discuss how we can give your child their own special day, please get in touch.
Family Ceremonies
What exactly is a Family Ceremony? Anything you would like it to be! Here are some examples of what you could celebrate:
A significant birthday or anniversary
An engagement
A coming of age birthday
Welcoming an adopted child
Moving into a new home or place of work
Combining of two families
Marking a divorce or a ‘conscious uncoupling’
A graduation
Exactly how your ceremony looks, which music you use, which readings or exchanges of commitments you decide on, can all be fine-tuned as the date of your event approaches. As with a wedding or baby naming, I can write a meaningful and unforgettable ceremony from the information and stories you tell me.